Monday, November 8, 2010

Apologies for not updating the blog

My apologies to all who have checked in lately and not found any updates. Yes I've been crafting away everyday but mostly I've been knitting non-stop. I've been updating all of the projects status on Ravelry but that doesn't account for all of the crafting goings on in my studio. I say studio but it's really just the desk in the corner of my bedroom and the comfy chair in the den. This past weekend I've been knitting away on a pair of socks for "Socks for Soldiers" . I turned the heels and am nearing the toes on the pair. I made a cute little snowman mug rug for my sister. And in the needlepoint genre I'm almost 3/4 of the way done with my 'Red Sox' shirt ornament. I've run out of white thread so that project will be on hiatus until I can order some more tomorrow.

I'll try to keep up with the crafting updates as best I can. It's the time of year that all of us crafters buckle down and finish up those projects so they can be gifted out next month. Bye for now but Happy Crafting.

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