Friday, August 1, 2008

Crafting and the Doctor

Another crazy busy, long day at work. It was so nice when I got home that I took each cat out on their leashes for a nice walk around the yarn. Then it was time to get ready for some crafting. Delay happened in the forms of a graphic novel I just got from the library and the season finale of Doctor Who. The novel is 'Watchmen' by Alan Moore. If you've gone to the movies lately you must have seen the trailer. I can't imagine how they will make a movie from this book. I pulls you in and keeps you turning the pages mesmerized by the story. Then there was the 'Doctor'. I just loved the storyline and the idea of bringing all of the companions, family and friends together along with the greatest nemisis. The music at the end, the loss of friends and companions and the unknown future all made this a great episode and I can't wait to see it return.

But the crafting. I did cast on a regia yarn sock in a grey/blue color striping pattern that will eventually make it's way to a guy in the family. Thank goodness my hands can knit by themselves and I could concentrate on the plot. I picked a simple K2P2 ribbing that will show off the striping and make a nice fitting sock. Three inches of knitting accomplished it's time to put it away for the nite. Housework awaits tomorrow but I'll set aside some crafting time tomorrow.

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