Three times through the washing machine and the little guy got shorter and cuter every time. We think he's done shrinking now. He has to dry now before getting his face felted in place. I could see knitting him again with other feltable yarns using different colors for his outfit and hair. My son loved how he came out. Good craft feedback.

I cast on the second sock for SFS. I didn't get quite as much knitting done on it but it's getting there. You are supposed to knit at least 1 inch per day. I think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself. I'm putting a marker where I end knitting each day so I can measure my progress. My sock/medic/purse bag that I got in my kit is working out great. It has three compartments. One large one holds my drink and knitting. One small one holds knitting accessories and the other small one my wallet and calendar. The yarn stays in the bag and feeds out the side so I can keep the bag closed and keep on knitting away. One person was disappointed this morning when I told her I had to work on the second sock first. By the afternoon she was happy again seeing my progress. Wait until I get to the heels.
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