As you can see, Mr Foster now has a head. I've left it on stitch holders until I pick out some 'safety eyes' for him. His mouth is knit just like a socks heel.

Here he is posing with his lab coat. I've been knitting it on size 0 needles. I tried the square cable needles but switched after a few inches to my knitpicks wooden harmony cable needles. The square needles worked great but the join between the needle and cable was extremely flexible and kept folding over and poking the end back through the stitches. I spent more time fussing with getting the active stitches ready on the left needle. The knitpicks cable is stiffer around the join and the stitches glide right over the join ready for knitting up. The squares vs round didn't give me a different gauge at all. I'd like to try the squares maybe just in a dpn or straight set and see how it went.

I wanted to try some more of my 'webs' yarn and picked out the kuku doll to knit. He knit up really fast, about 4 hours total. All he needs is some strategically placed holding threads through his body part and he'll be ready for shrinking in the washing machine. I think a sheep is next for some speedy knitting.
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