I kept thinking of ratios and math as I shrink different knitted objects in the washing machine. Some shrink about a third of their size and other shrink even more. The little boy above shrank about a third.
The sheep above started live as knitpicks wool of the andes yarn and came out about 11 inches tall. Very cute but lose and lots of stitch definition. A really nice yarn to knit with.

Three loads of wash later and 'snickerdoodle' the sheep is now only 7 inches tall and extremely cute and playable. Snickerdoodle in the color of the yarn but is such a cute name for a member of my toy flock. This is my favorite fibertrends pattern. I've knitted usually in lambs pride bulky or other feltable leftovers in the attic but never in a worsted weight. I love the finished size it came out. I checked on their website and they have knit it in blues and purples and I actually liked the other hued sheep. I'll have to go outside of my comfort zone and knit some more additions to the flock.

This is my needlepoint canvas I'm working on. Right now I'm working on the sky background. I like to do needlepoint in order because in this project you build layer after layer. This project also has a deadline of the first of August. I'll have to do less knitting in the next few weeks and more stitching. Notice I said 'less knitting' not none at all. I can't keep those needles out of my bag. So many fun projects to work on. I finished a large triangle shawl this morning and have to block it today. I'm looking around my craft area for a flat, cat-free space to lay it out. Another project in the finished pile.
1 comment:
i am glad that after checking out the yarnmaker's website that you are considering knitting a "swedish blue" sheep :)
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