Friday, November 28, 2008

Turkey day craft aftermath

It was a great turkey day and I even got to do some knitting at the end. I made pumpkin cheeseballs for the appetizers and they were a big hit. Next year I'll make them a tad bit smaller so they fit on a cracker and you don't get cheese overload.

check out the bettycrocker website ( and you can see a picture.

We checked out all of my mom's new knitting magazines, commented on good and bad knitting, got some good guidance on what others needs are for the future and generally had a great time just visiting. After a wonderful dinner it was on to checking out the upstairs craft supply and my sister and I both went home with some fabric and other projects that will get finished by us and then given back completed to mom.

After a stress free car ride home (lighter traffic than expected), everything go put away and then I could sit back and relax with the little gang. A dvd and a bag of knitting along with a bowl of the Rose Clan Indian Pudding made for nice end to the holiday. I thought seriously about going to the stores at 5 am the next day for those door buster sales but the extra hours in bed won out as did a snuggly Magpie keeping me warm.

I brought my knitting to work and did some at lunch so tonite it's a quilt session with some more dvds and cats. Another sublime nite of crafting.

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