A holiday designated for crafting would be a wonderful invention. I know there is a month dedicated to sewing but just a day for everyone to craft would be nice. Since it was veterans day and I'm a veteran I decided to make it a nice day dedicated to doing what I like to do. That is crafting, watching movies and relaxing. I did a lot of that and even baked a batch of yummy bread to munch on.
The first project was the Marilyn Monroe cross stitch that I had stitched a month or two back. I had got the frame but had put it aside to do other stuff. She came out really nice and I love the super special frame that I got for her (on sale of course). She's going into work tomorrow and I'm thinking of giving her away in a raffle. I know she'll go to a good home.

Next up was the third member of the 'dino gang'. It's a yellow brontosaurus that I finished last nite. I had help getting his legs knitted and assembled by my black cat 'magpie'. She lay in my lap keeping me warm and toasty and encouraging me to just keep on crafting and not move my lap at all. I love when she lays in my lap because she gets really relaxed and stretches out and looks very angelic for a black cat. She is a craft enabler.

Here is the finished stocking of the redwork snowman. This worked up quickly even with the iffy finishing instructions. I omitted the thin batting for the stocking as it would have made it a little too bulky in my opinion. It's fully lined in matching cream and has a red back. You don't even have to put anything in it and it looks good. Quite large it could hold something special.

At the end of the day when my bread was rising I got out my snow cats and did some more embroidery. Here is snow cat 2.

And here is snow cat 3. Only three more cats to stitch up. Tomorrow it's back to the workaday world but there is a meeting so I'll bring my sock kit and cast on for another pair of men's. So at the end of veterans/craft holiday I think I accomplished my mission. Good crafting karma, yummy smells throughout the house from the bread, the yard almost totally cleared of leaves and some more projects moved to the 'it's done' pile. Happy crafting
1 comment:
Hi, wow quick work on the snow pets. I really like how they are coming out.
I may put in a bid for the Marilyn cross stitch.
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