Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sock # ?

A great crafting weekend ended with another pair of socks knitted and a new skein of stretch yarn already on the needles. I enjoyed knitting this twisted rib sock pattern. It looks complated but is really quite easy. The new pair is back to a basic k2p2 rib but the yarn is stretchy so I'll see how this new type yarn works before working it in to fancier patterns. My son gave these his craft seal of approval.

I set aside a lot of time for quilting too and finished up the center of the quilt. I took it off the long frame and put it on the q-snap frame so I could get the borders done. I had to think about how the quilt would get finished and by just quilting it the vision of it in it's final glory appeared to me. My gang of cats are quite interested in the whole quilt thing and really want to jump on it but they are being good. Just wait until I have to go to work tomorrow and the they have the entire day to themselves.

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