Friday, July 9, 2010

Final day of class

Today was the final day of woman's woodworking 101 at the Carpenters Boat Shop in Pemaquid Maine. It was so much fun today. Here is a picture of the entire class with their finished Shaker candle stands and the Quaker foot stool. I finished my shaker box and it came out fitting really well. It looks good and I can't wait to put something special in it.
Here is the finished 3-step Shaker stool all oiled and ready to be stepped on. At the moment I don't want anyone to step on it and ruin the finish.

On the knitting front I cast on for the second Socks for Soldiers, black sock. I can only work on that in good light as the black is hard on the eyes. It's also sad because I have to go home to the real world of work tomorrow but this week has been fun, educational, and restful. I'd recommend a learning vacation to anyone. Challenge yourself.

1 comment:

J. Anthony Stubblefield said...

Wow, so very nice. It looks like you all really had a good time. I am jealous you got to make a Shaker box. I have always wanted to do that.
