A snowy day in New England left to world as we know it closed for duration. I shoveled snow, then slush then rain but left time for crafting. By the end of the day I had completed two projects from the closet. The first is this table runner from printed fabric. It's extremely, lightly quilted but has nice hand sewn binding. It's a nice 'church fair' project for someone in the future.

Snow cook or snow baker was a 'bucilla' felt kit that I bought I few months ago. I started it but was unhappy with the white felt. I pulled him/her out today and just went to town sewing all of the accessories. These kits are lots of fun to display when they are finished. The instructions though, are in multiple languages and can be a little confusing. I'd really like to make the 'lighthouse' or 'santa in an antique car' in the future. I've only seen those on the web but maybe someday I'll get lucky and spot them in the local crafts store. Lots of work but extremely cute. I even managed to get some knitting in on the prayer shawl today. A few more rows and it's on to the second skein of yarn.
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