Finished the Dalek this weekend. There was a ton of backstitching to do on this alien. Now that he's done I'm putting him aside to decide where he will end up. Marilyn has here frame and is just waiting to get into it so she will be first at the frame table.

Monday was Stitch N Pitch at our minor league ball park. I got us great seats, just not in the section where all of the other knitters had bought theirs. I brought my birthday socck and had fun working on the foot, chatting and just having fun at the game. We saw and talked to other crafters, admired their knitting and project bags. The baseball bags I made were a hit with even the non-knitters in the bunch and the finger-puppet dpn holders are working out wonderfully. Tonite I finished off the second sock using my birthday yarn. They are soft and comfy. A little warm to wear today as it was in the 80's but the weather changes so you have to knit ahead.

Here is next sock yarn waiting in the batting cage. I have a meeting to attend tomorrow so it and my needles go into the waiting sock bag. This will be for my son so longer leg sections (he likes to wear boots) but normal foot lengths. I think his will be a K3P1 rib pattern. I do know he loves his socks because they are always in the laundry pile so I know he needs another new pair or two.
Yesterday I had to find something I needed in the back of my closet. That meant pulling everything out to get at the box, then putting it all back in. A lot, and I mean a lot of my projects are in this closet, just waiting in the wings for their chance to shine. Loads of projects and not enough hours or energy in the day. Oh the woes of the crafter.
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