Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Classic mistake

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Circus Mice
Today was a windfall day of knitting time for me. I finished knitting the body and outfit for the boy juggler as well as all of his knitted juggling balls. I love his colors and know that he will assemble well. Luckily I had brought another project with me to work so at my dinner break I worked on an 'American Girl' doll sweater using yarn left over from the mice. I'm bound and determined not to go shopping for more craft supplies for a while. I have plenty of patterns, projects and supplies to keep me busy for months at least. I don't have to remind my self of this at all when I see all of my bags waiting for me to get to them. I do love to craft but the finishing mostly has to be done at my work table and the outside patio calls out to me to enjoy it, and I do.
Tomorrow picture of the sweater and yarn, promise.
Tomorrow picture of the sweater and yarn, promise.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Girl juggler
Today I worked on the girl juggler finishing knitting all of her outfit. I decided that her leotard needed a little bit of adjustment in how it's knitted. You knit the bottom part starting from the waist. Then you pick up stitches at the waist and knit the bodice. I thought that instead of using the normal cast on I'l make it neater using waste crochet cast on. I crocheted a bit of yarn a few stitches longer than needed. Then I picked up stitches on the crochet and knit the first row of the leotard using the correct color yarn. In theory after the bottom part was done the crochet would just undo and leave me perfect live stitches to pick up. In practice I picked up the wrong part of the stitch so instead of the quick pull I invisioned it was undo each stitch which led to a cutting off of the crocheted yarn. The end result was the same as my original plan with a beautiful leotard, but I'll have to practice this again to see where I went wrong.
But now it's on the the boy juggler!
But now it's on the the boy juggler!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
A pair is born
Now it's on to craft clean up and then I get to pick another ball of yarn to put in my sock knitting bag. My choices are skein of 'Classic Elite Alpaca Sox' in baby blue for my daughter or 'Regia' in a gray/black/blue self striping for my son in law. A quandry for sure but I think I'll leave the Alpaca on the hank and go for a manly stripe.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Went to the fair
Went to the fair today and got to see the items I entered and see if they won anything. Shawn the sheep and friend won first place in their category as did my my blackwork 'windows' . My mom and I had fun working on our projects (she her cross-stitch and my circus mice body parts) and talking to all of the visitors. I brought 2 beach bunnies and 2 circus mouse and had them to look at. Kids and grownups alike liked their looks, size and cuteness. One older lady thought I had made them all in a couple of hours that morning. No Way!
It's interesting hearing from non-crafters how they like what you do. Lots tell you what they do in their spare time and then say they couldn't possibly do knitting or stitching or ***insert craft***. Others want to know if you sell stuff but have no idea of the time it takes to craft something special. Then their are the people who have stuff entered into the fair. They bring friends and family, pose in front of their item for a picture, everyone smiling proud of their accomplishment having a great day at the fair. It's a lot of work but in the end it's a way to have 'show and tell' for grownups. We all are so happy in what we craft but sometimes feel the need to share and show to others of the same mind. A ribbon or bow or even a certificate makes it official somehow and validates what we do. An annual event celebrated for decades all over the country and around the world. The county fair. It lives.
It's interesting hearing from non-crafters how they like what you do. Lots tell you what they do in their spare time and then say they couldn't possibly do knitting or stitching or ***insert craft***. Others want to know if you sell stuff but have no idea of the time it takes to craft something special. Then their are the people who have stuff entered into the fair. They bring friends and family, pose in front of their item for a picture, everyone smiling proud of their accomplishment having a great day at the fair. It's a lot of work but in the end it's a way to have 'show and tell' for grownups. We all are so happy in what we craft but sometimes feel the need to share and show to others of the same mind. A ribbon or bow or even a certificate makes it official somehow and validates what we do. An annual event celebrated for decades all over the country and around the world. The county fair. It lives.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
One sock at a time
W4 orked hard today and finished my son's sock after measuring his foot. I knit until the foot measured 1 1/2 inches less than his foot. I had this idea that if your foot was 10 inches long than it was a size 10. Wrong. A 10 1/2 inch foot is a size 9 for men. Does that make any sense? After weaving in the ends I had him try it on and it was a perfect fit. It does pay off to measure because I would have knit it a little bit short.
Now the second sock has about 4 inches knit on the leg and it's a fun night of knitting ahead. Socks Rule!
Now the second sock has about 4 inches knit on the leg and it's a fun night of knitting ahead. Socks Rule!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Socks needed
Today was totally busy at work so the only crafting at lunch was on my son's sock. I want to knit enough to get to the heel so it's off I needle.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Lots of assembly

I went to see the new Batman flick "the dark knight" and loved it. Long, lots of car chases, mayhem and foolishness and big wide openings for a sequel. Lots of fun and adventure. Back to the real world of work tomorrow.
Bee trainer
It was so hot yesterday here so after a morning of really needed house cleaning I went to the air conditioned part of the house and worked on the 'bee trainer'. I think the heat made my knitting go slower but by the end of the night all of his parts are done. (Oops, I just remembered his tail needs to be made!) So today's plan is to go to the movies to see the new "batman" flick and then gather all of my bags of parts, my box of finishing items and then find a cool place (not outside today) and finish at least one mouse. We'll see how it turns out at the end of the day.
Friday, July 18, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008
Birth of a clown

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I also managed to knit a few more body part on my acrobatic mice. The lady mouse has all of her parts and outfit done. Now her fellow acrobat needs to have some feet made up as well as a vest for him to wear. I'll have to start some assembly this weekend because the little mice are just begging to come to life.
Monday, July 14, 2008
More parts
During my lunch break today I listened to an Agatha Christie novel, "Murder at the Vicarage" her first starring Miss Marple and knit on the acrobatic girl mouse. Finished her body, two arms, head and two ears. She needs feet, tail and her outfit of course. She'll be adorable but now it's the bag of twisted yarn.
Miss Marple always has her knitting, fluffy items or baby sweaters and I'm sure it helps her those sharp observations of life. During my knitting time I was too busy listening and following the pattern to pay attention to all of the others eating their lunches. Of course there haven't been any murders for me to solve as of late.
Miss Marple always has her knitting, fluffy items or baby sweaters and I'm sure it helps her those sharp observations of life. During my knitting time I was too busy listening and following the pattern to pay attention to all of the others eating their lunches. Of course there haven't been any murders for me to solve as of late.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
body parts
Not a lot of knitting this weekend but I did manage to get some more body parts done for the acrobatic mice. Lots of parts to get done for the pair. I had great time visiting a craft exhibit at a local museum (inspiration abounds), visiting the other local library (loads of books etc), grocery shopping (cupboards full of good stuff), movies (Hellboy 2 - action packed) and then reading. Totally great weekend.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Friday crafting
It was a beautiful day today. I solved problems at work that had been vexing me. Got lots accomplished and for my lunch break took my beach chair, mp3 player, knitting and a cold drink across the street the common. I set up under a shady tree, plugged in, drank up and had a fun time knitting the rest of the leotard for my escape artist as well as his blind fold and tiny ball for his weighted chain. It is so nice to knit outside. There is no need to wait for a special day of the year to knit in public. Every day is great.
Tonite I went to see the new movie "Hellboy", great comic fun, but while I was waiting I cast on and knit a few rows for my son's new sock. I can't wait to see the gradiations after a few inches are knit.
Tonite I went to see the new movie "Hellboy", great comic fun, but while I was waiting I cast on and knit a few rows for my son's new sock. I can't wait to see the gradiations after a few inches are knit.
Tiny crafting
Yesterday was not a great crafting day. Though I did manage to knit two legs and half of a leotard for the escape artist, the rest of the day was crazy busy. I know I could knit when I take the cats out for their walks, but I read or do a puzzle while sitting with them. Their walks are not energetic but strolls, laying in the grass, observing wildlife time. I actually look forward to them. Relax and enjoy.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Meeting knitting
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Stitch n Pitch and other crafting adventures

Yesterday I had to find something I needed in the back of my closet. That meant pulling everything out to get at the box, then putting it all back in. A lot, and I mean a lot of my projects are in this closet, just waiting in the wings for their chance to shine. Loads of projects and not enough hours or energy in the day. Oh the woes of the crafter.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Saturday crafting

Friday, July 4, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008
More reading less crafting

This evening my son and I went to see a minor league baseball game. We were on the highway and could see the dark black clouds ahead. Then the skies opened up and it deluged. Not poured but flooded. About a half an hour later, we had arrived, parked and waited out the rain, the sky started looking brighter and normal. We met our group an anticipated an evening of fun and baseball. The stadium was cosy and there were loads of families looking for a great evening, culminating in a fireworks display. Our hopes were dashed as the rain had taken it's tole on the visitors dugout which was flooded and there was no place to pump the water out to. The field covered in tarps was flooded and the help ended up using them as giant slip-n-slides, a sight to behold. We checked our where our excellent seats would have been, checked out the flooded dugout, it was full of water and decided to call it a night. I would have been fun but my son thought it much easier to navigate when one could actually see the road.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
New project
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Mystery revealed

I also finished off three baseball knitting bags today. They had needed cording and toggles. I really like how they finished off. Go Sox.
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