It was a crazy buzy day at work and then tonite its been thundering and lightning like mad. The cats have been hanging out with me while I've been knitting and then sewing together a black cow. Next week where I work they are having a special 'dairy day'. When I saw it on the schedule a knitted cow just called out of the pattern book and begged 'knit me'. I looked at my yarn and thought white, brown and then yes a black cow would be nice. She looks lovely and was happy to pose on a field of toweling, the outside being drenched in rain.
My next craft purchase is going to be a set of felting needles. I could have used them to add spots and markings to the little cow. Eyes, details and dimension would be easily added on with yarn or roving.
The circus mice are waiting in the wings and the ringmaster wants some attention paid to him. Tomorrow. Yet another crafting day. And yet 'alien day' is coming up. The Doctor Who creature says' sew me next'.
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