Today was leaf bagging day at my house. The town is coming starting tomorrow so the leaves had to go. There are now 25 bags at the curb just waiting to go on a big trip to the great big compost pile in the sky. Even so I did manage to do some crafting today and even a little bit yesterday.

Here is a little bag that I knitted and threw in with the wash. It's going to be filled with tiny balls of yarn, toothpicks with beads on top for knitting needles and it will be a fun christmas ornament. I think it's going to be the only one made in this house.

This is the bottom of a beaded box from the Jill Oxton magazine. I really like the pattern and working with the delica beads.
The pirate is all in pieces. I've been knitting all of the tiny pieces for his coat, face and accessories. Last night I was knitting a parrot. All it looks like is a tangle of yarn. This is what a parrot looks like in progress. I've got a large bag of pirate parts waiting to be assembled.

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