I'm working away on another pair of socks. I've got the first one knit and it's half way done on the second. I realize that I like knitting socks when there is a gift opportunity on the way. It's that deadline that spurs me on. I know there is a month until christmas but thinking of the people getting gifts that you knit yourself just gives encouragement to the needles.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we'll be traveling to the cape to be with my mom and sister. It'll be a nice quiet day of talking, sharing and a bit of eating too. My cake will get frosted tonite and I'll gather up all of the items I'm bringing. We get off early from work today so that is an extra special treat for us all.
This weekend I'll be de-decorating the house from Thanksgiving and prepping it for winter. It's getting colder everyday so that gets one in the mood. Last nite on my way home two houses already had their holiday lights on. The christmas music is on the special radio station so you can tune in to get in the mood. But always in the backround the knitting and crafting goes on. It's an addiction, the crafting, and I freely admit it but I'm not giving it up any time soon.
Happy Holidays
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Socks,Socks and more Socks
I finished my second pair of socks from the Stitches East yarn last night. They came out lovely and will fit like a dream. I've adjusted the pattern to knit a women's size that fits a size 8 foot. This means a little more knitting, 6 inches - 7.5 inches on the foot but there won't be so much wear on the toes or the heel from over-stretching.
I wound more yarn into balls last nite in preparation for casting on my third pair of socks. I some feline help with this project as the yarn kept jumping out of the basket and becoming the perfect cat toy. All was well at the end, yarn okay and felines happy.
My mom called and wants to knit a simple cowl. She has charged me with picking out the pattern and the yarn from my local yarn store. It's always fun to go to the yarn store with a mission. She also has put me in charge of making her some loaves of swedish coffee bread for a meeting she'll attend in a couple of weeks. I'll have to make more than one loaf because this is delicious bread that doesn't last long.
I wound more yarn into balls last nite in preparation for casting on my third pair of socks. I some feline help with this project as the yarn kept jumping out of the basket and becoming the perfect cat toy. All was well at the end, yarn okay and felines happy.
My mom called and wants to knit a simple cowl. She has charged me with picking out the pattern and the yarn from my local yarn store. It's always fun to go to the yarn store with a mission. She also has put me in charge of making her some loaves of swedish coffee bread for a meeting she'll attend in a couple of weeks. I'll have to make more than one loaf because this is delicious bread that doesn't last long.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Apologies for not updating the blog
My apologies to all who have checked in lately and not found any updates. Yes I've been crafting away everyday but mostly I've been knitting non-stop. I've been updating all of the projects status on Ravelry but that doesn't account for all of the crafting goings on in my studio. I say studio but it's really just the desk in the corner of my bedroom and the comfy chair in the den. This past weekend I've been knitting away on a pair of socks for "Socks for Soldiers" . I turned the heels and am nearing the toes on the pair. I made a cute little snowman mug rug for my sister. And in the needlepoint genre I'm almost 3/4 of the way done with my 'Red Sox' shirt ornament. I've run out of white thread so that project will be on hiatus until I can order some more tomorrow.
I'll try to keep up with the crafting updates as best I can. It's the time of year that all of us crafters buckle down and finish up those projects so they can be gifted out next month. Bye for now but Happy Crafting.
I'll try to keep up with the crafting updates as best I can. It's the time of year that all of us crafters buckle down and finish up those projects so they can be gifted out next month. Bye for now but Happy Crafting.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
More Socks
On my needles this week is another black military sock. I'm already working on the first heel flap. I still need a lot of light to work on the black yarn. I've put in my request for some olive drab and my sister might have spotted some at her local knitting store. I've also got a prayer shawl that needs working on also.
Yesterday I mailed a large package of supplies to the 'Socks for Soldiers' Headquarters in Ohio. I contained lots of stuff the soldiers need and two pairs of handknitted socks. I enjoyed picking everything out at the store and when I got home the gang of cats enjoyed sitting in and on top of the box.
Yesterday I mailed a large package of supplies to the 'Socks for Soldiers' Headquarters in Ohio. I contained lots of stuff the soldiers need and two pairs of handknitted socks. I enjoyed picking everything out at the store and when I got home the gang of cats enjoyed sitting in and on top of the box.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Back to work
This week has not been as exciting and fun as last week. I'm back to work and it was waiting in force for me to play catch up with it all. But I made sure I worked on my knitting. I continue to knit about 1-2 inches a day on my black Sock for Soldiers. I've just turned the heel at lunchtime today and am now on to the gusset decreases. My goal is to have it completed by next week so I can mail in both pairs.
The Barnstable County Fair starts today and on Sunday I'll volunteer to sit and watch over the exhibits with my Mom. I entered the Hula Hamsters and she entered a scissor case. It's fun watching all of the people come to see how their entries did and just generally admire all of the talent that shows at the fair. I'm hopeful that the hamsters will win a ribbon.
The Shaker Box I made has been on my show & tell shelf outside my office this past week and has gotten great reviews from the staff here. Such a different lifestyle up in Maine as here at home. I'm afraid I'm not ready to give up all of my amenities too quickly. I like air-conditioning and stores right down the road. Being there makes me appreciate all the more what I have here.
The Barnstable County Fair starts today and on Sunday I'll volunteer to sit and watch over the exhibits with my Mom. I entered the Hula Hamsters and she entered a scissor case. It's fun watching all of the people come to see how their entries did and just generally admire all of the talent that shows at the fair. I'm hopeful that the hamsters will win a ribbon.
The Shaker Box I made has been on my show & tell shelf outside my office this past week and has gotten great reviews from the staff here. Such a different lifestyle up in Maine as here at home. I'm afraid I'm not ready to give up all of my amenities too quickly. I like air-conditioning and stores right down the road. Being there makes me appreciate all the more what I have here.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Final day of class

On the knitting front I cast on for the second Socks for Soldiers, black sock. I can only work on that in good light as the black is hard on the eyes. It's also sad because I have to go home to the real world of work tomorrow but this week has been fun, educational, and restful. I'd recommend a learning vacation to anyone. Challenge yourself.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Vacation Day 4

On the knitting front, the bunny photographer has all of his parts knit so he'll be assembled soon. Luckily I brought along a Sock for Soldier project as a backup.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Day Three of Vacation-Class

The bunny photographer got some arms knitted today and now his jacket is being worked on. He's got a lot of little pieces left to go but he's coming along.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Project Day 2

I did get a little knitting in during the day at break times and after classes on the patio. The bunny photographer now has the beginnings of trousers. My daughter finished plying her yarn and ended up with 2 skeins of beautiful gray yarn with about 173 yards in each skein. This is all from one fleece and there is still more to be spun. It was exciting seeing it in the finished skein after first seeing what it looked like coming off the sheep.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Vacation at the Boatshop
I started my vacation today at the Carpenters Boat Shop in Pemaquid Maine. I'm taking the beginners woodworking course for women and it is going to be so much fun. Today was the first day and we started off learning and trying out all of the power tools at the shop. They included, the drill press, joiner, band-saw, planer, chop-saw and rip saw. After lunch we selected our projects and started to work using the planer, joiner, chop saw and rip saw. I got enough pieces cut to size that I could glue up a couple of my boards in preparation for tomorrow.
I selected to build a shaker, three step stool with handle. It's similar to ones from the Hancock
Shaker workshop. It's so much fun working with all of the power tool and the instructors are very patient with all of us beginning wood workers. I can't wait until tomorrow to see what the next step is.
I'm staying with my daughter so it's very relaxing at the end of the day. I got out my knitting and started another member of the Bunny Bridal Party, the photographer. He'll have dark gray fur and a chocolate colored suit. He even has a knitted camera. My daughter brought out her spinning wheel and was plying together the yarn that she had spun earlier. It's a beautiful gray color from one of the fleeces we helped clean earlier this spring. Her spinning skills have improved dramatically as she showed me three different yarns she has spun. Watching her makes you appreciate how much work goes into a skein of yarn.
I selected to build a shaker, three step stool with handle. It's similar to ones from the Hancock

I'm staying with my daughter so it's very relaxing at the end of the day. I got out my knitting and started another member of the Bunny Bridal Party, the photographer. He'll have dark gray fur and a chocolate colored suit. He even has a knitted camera. My daughter brought out her spinning wheel and was plying together the yarn that she had spun earlier. It's a beautiful gray color from one of the fleeces we helped clean earlier this spring. Her spinning skills have improved dramatically as she showed me three different yarns she has spun. Watching her makes you appreciate how much work goes into a skein of yarn.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Bunny Couple

At our home we had some sad news. One of our real life bunnies, Lily had to be put to sleep this week. She had stopped eating and was just fading away even with all of the special care and attention she was getting. The vet said she had a touch of bunny pneumonia and wouldn't have lasted much longer. We had a nice burial for her and everyone was crying. She was much loved and will be much missed. The bride bunny is knitted in yarn the same color as Lily was.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Bunny Bride
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I had to start on a new project once I completed the gray elephant. I selected a pattern from my collection and decided on another bunny. It's the bridal bunny set from Alan Dart. I'm starting off with the bride bunny and using all yarn from my stash. I'm always amazed that I have just the right color. I've knit all of the body parts and just have the veil and bouquet to go. It's been raining this afternoon so that has encouraged me to keep the needles humming. I've got the cat helpers surrounding me and keeping me company. Now it's back to the workbench for some assembly.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
New Toy Elephant
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Library Exhibit Pictures
Here are some pictures of the exhibit at my local library. It's hard to take pictures through glass. I'm getting lots of good comments and the staff report good vibes and a lot of pointing and laughter from both children and grownups alike.
I've almost finished up all of the pieces for my elephant. Just the tusks to go and it's on to assembly. The other item for my needles is a black sock for SFS. It's hard to knit on black yarn but I've got enough for 2 pair, so that is what is next. My knitting bag is ready and at hand and I'm set to go.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Rainy days don't get me down
A rainy Saturday here at my house. I'm at my work table with one cat helper stretched out on the table and another cuddled up in the chair. They help out so much just giving me company. I do have to de-fur a lot but it all balances it out. In-between doing loads of laundry and cleanup binges around the house I've been working on finishing up some projects that have been piling up.
Finished this week is an baby alligator scarf, a triangle neck scarf and a dalek wash-cloth. I started an elephant from the book, Knitted Wild Animals' and that is fun to knit. I'm washing and blocking finished objects so the work room is full up with all kinds of stretched out things. Having it raining outside makes me feel good about staying inside and working on the many projects. So it's back to work with a new dvd and some popcorn and another project in the finished pile.
Finished this week is an baby alligator scarf, a triangle neck scarf and a dalek wash-cloth. I started an elephant from the book, Knitted Wild Animals' and that is fun to knit. I'm washing and blocking finished objects so the work room is full up with all kinds of stretched out things. Having it raining outside makes me feel good about staying inside and working on the many projects. So it's back to work with a new dvd and some popcorn and another project in the finished pile.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My Exhibit
I've been bringing in all of my knitted toys and animals to work for the last couple of weeks. Well today it all came to pass and I was able to put them on display where I work. They'll be there for the summer. It's great to see so many of them all together. I was worried that there was to much space and not enough creatures but there are plenty. They really look all nice on glass shelves.
It's hard to believe that I've knit that much, but it's true. And that doesn't even count the socks, scarves and other items that have come off of my needles the last couple of years. I loved taking them out of their boxes and arranging them carefully each in their own vignette. Already the staff where I work has told me they love the exhibit and marvel at the amount of work I've put into it.
There's more to be added but I have to finish them up.
It's hard to believe that I've knit that much, but it's true. And that doesn't even count the socks, scarves and other items that have come off of my needles the last couple of years. I loved taking them out of their boxes and arranging them carefully each in their own vignette. Already the staff where I work has told me they love the exhibit and marvel at the amount of work I've put into it.
There's more to be added but I have to finish them up.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
It's hot in New England today. The bank thermometer read 92 degrees. But people are out and about enjoying the sun and heat. At lunch I took my beach chair across the street to the town common and enjoyed my leftovers and a cold drink. I worked on my sock for soldiers and got another 4 inches knitted. It was just nice to sit in the shade, not worrying about anything, watching the kids run and play in the grass and just knit round and round.
Knitting, it's a great thing.
Knitting, it's a great thing.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Some assembly required
It was a lovely day today, warm and sunny with just a little breeze in the air. I had done all of the housework and swept off the patio so I could sit outside and do a little crafting. Ada the Haitian solenoid and Daddy Bunny got finished today. They both went together quite quickly and look really cute. Daddy has more family members that need knitting but they are going together slower. I have some others to put together first. It's fun sitting outside and sewing. The cats kept me company for a little while and enjoyed their times in the sun. The rest of the day they lazed around and slept in the sunny windows or on comfy blankets. So back to work on the next project. Socks or sewing? Knitting keeps winning out these days.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Shaun the Sheep
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Unknitting and some finishing
So I skeined up the yarn, tied it up and soaked it in my sink for a little bit and it's now hanging up in my shower, weighted down, drying up. I'm hoping this will take the kinks out of the yarn. I've never done this before but have read about it so I'm hopeful it works. In the meantime I'm working on the mates heel and it is knitting right on gauge.
Next up was finishing another project that I've been trying to get to the last couple of days. My problem was my helpers lying right in the middle of my work desk. Magpie, the cat would lay down and then push at my hand for cuddling and attention. But in the end she was good help and settled down to just nap.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Meetings and Knitting
I had a meeting this morning and I arrived a few minutes early there being no traffic. I got settled and pulled out my SFS sock project out of it's camo bag and set to work. More people arrived and a women sat next to me and pulled out her knitting and got to work on a shrug. Across the table I could see another attendee pull out her project. A few people came over and asked about my project and were interested to learn about SFS.
I knit throughout the meeting but still took notes and answered questions. I left with 9 inches of sock and a feeling of accomplishment from the knitting and knowledge gained from the meeting.
I haven't heard of any specific knitting etiquette for meetings. I know I only work on small projects, with quiet needles that don't click and clack away. It gets put down or put away if anyone asks. So far I've never had an issue with this. I think people expect it of me now and like to see what the finished project will become. Meetings and knitting just go together.
I knit throughout the meeting but still took notes and answered questions. I left with 9 inches of sock and a feeling of accomplishment from the knitting and knowledge gained from the meeting.
I haven't heard of any specific knitting etiquette for meetings. I know I only work on small projects, with quiet needles that don't click and clack away. It gets put down or put away if anyone asks. So far I've never had an issue with this. I think people expect it of me now and like to see what the finished project will become. Meetings and knitting just go together.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I watched the movie "the Hurt Locker" over the weekend and it made me think of all of those soldiers over there that needed to know, that we here, back in the states, still care and think of them. So yesterday I cast on for a pair of olive drab socks in Regia Stretch yarn. It's the favorite yarn for Socks for Soldiers and I'm knitting a men's pair. It doesn't hurt that I had an appointment to go to today and a meeting on Friday in which to get some knitting done. I've almost knit 4 inches on size 00 needles. It's soothing knitting a sock. It's just round and round for about another 8 inches so I don't have to keep track of rows or a pattern. Take anywhere knitting.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Patience and Pets
I didn't have to go into work today until 1 pm so I thought I'd sit at my work desk, watch some daytime tv (regis, the view, martha) and assemble some projects, thus getting them out of my to be done basket and up on the shelf finished. I had already cleaned the house and did the laundry the day before so there was not excuse.
I hadn't counted on my 'helpers' though. Magpie my black furry cat came up and laid down right in the middle of my worktable within minutes of me getting set up to work. She purred and purred and looked cute and begged for a cuddle which I gladly gave her. She just rolled around, getting fur over every thing. After a while I picked her up, gave her a final cuddle and put her down on the floor.
Next up was Sailor the male cat. He got his pet and went away to get ready for his nap time. I had pulled out yarn to make some socks and was printing out a copy of the pattern when out of the blue the little cat, Sadie, flew up and attacked the printer. I had to physically pull her off the printer and she watched the remaining pages spit out from the back of my office chair, mesmerized by the whole endeavor.
At this point I thought I'll just go downstairs with my basket of stuff and watch tv in a comfy chair before going to work. My knitting, drink and other accessories went into the basket and down the stairs. The entire gang of cats followed me down. I put the basket down and immediately Magpie was climbing into it getting settled for her nap. I just gave in and took everything out of the basket (she adjusting herself nicely) and finally got to knitting.
Final count, Sailor in his favorite chair, Sadie in her favorite chair, Magpie in the basket and little Fern in her kitty carrier, all napping and content. Me I got about an inch worth of my newly cast on sock done as well as my gauge swatch so all in all it was a productive morning. I do love the entire little gang.
I hadn't counted on my 'helpers' though. Magpie my black furry cat came up and laid down right in the middle of my worktable within minutes of me getting set up to work. She purred and purred and looked cute and begged for a cuddle which I gladly gave her. She just rolled around, getting fur over every thing. After a while I picked her up, gave her a final cuddle and put her down on the floor.
Next up was Sailor the male cat. He got his pet and went away to get ready for his nap time. I had pulled out yarn to make some socks and was printing out a copy of the pattern when out of the blue the little cat, Sadie, flew up and attacked the printer. I had to physically pull her off the printer and she watched the remaining pages spit out from the back of my office chair, mesmerized by the whole endeavor.
At this point I thought I'll just go downstairs with my basket of stuff and watch tv in a comfy chair before going to work. My knitting, drink and other accessories went into the basket and down the stairs. The entire gang of cats followed me down. I put the basket down and immediately Magpie was climbing into it getting settled for her nap. I just gave in and took everything out of the basket (she adjusting herself nicely) and finally got to knitting.
Final count, Sailor in his favorite chair, Sadie in her favorite chair, Magpie in the basket and little Fern in her kitty carrier, all napping and content. Me I got about an inch worth of my newly cast on sock done as well as my gauge swatch so all in all it was a productive morning. I do love the entire little gang.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
I spent last night making stands for the circus mice set. They are very nice foam core rounds with large red stars on them. We thought this was most appropriate for the circus and made the ringmaster mouse look very happy and dashing.
Then I went into the attic and found the box of Tinker Toys. With that I made a trapeeze for the acrobatic mice. It looks like something a mouse would have made. Now I have to figure out how to attach the mice so they swing together (their paws are a little short) and stay on the trapeeze bar. A little hidden wire and they'll be set.
I have some wooden embroidery hoops to use for the circus rings, a lion from the Noah's ark set will be in the ring with ? some mice. I've printed out a circus background so they'll look nice in the display case.
After the circus set is sorted out, it's on to the medieval mice. They need a castle set. I'm thinking of the Harry Potter Lego sets for this display. A few balconies and maybe a throne will do . This set will need stands with stone paths on them so they'll blend in.
The Dickensian set is after them. I've printed out wooden flooring for their stands so they can look like they are in a mansion decorating a Christmas tree.
I've got a lot to prep in the next 3 weeks, and I haven't even finished assembling Bob the Builder or the dachshund. This month is going by faster than ever but I'm looking forward to getting all of the toys together and putting them in the display cases. Even I am amazed at how many there are in total.
Then I went into the attic and found the box of Tinker Toys. With that I made a trapeeze for the acrobatic mice. It looks like something a mouse would have made. Now I have to figure out how to attach the mice so they swing together (their paws are a little short) and stay on the trapeeze bar. A little hidden wire and they'll be set.
I have some wooden embroidery hoops to use for the circus rings, a lion from the Noah's ark set will be in the ring with ? some mice. I've printed out a circus background so they'll look nice in the display case.
After the circus set is sorted out, it's on to the medieval mice. They need a castle set. I'm thinking of the Harry Potter Lego sets for this display. A few balconies and maybe a throne will do . This set will need stands with stone paths on them so they'll blend in.
The Dickensian set is after them. I've printed out wooden flooring for their stands so they can look like they are in a mansion decorating a Christmas tree.
I've got a lot to prep in the next 3 weeks, and I haven't even finished assembling Bob the Builder or the dachshund. This month is going by faster than ever but I'm looking forward to getting all of the toys together and putting them in the display cases. Even I am amazed at how many there are in total.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
New Discoveries
Tuesday I had to go to the dentist office and have some work done on my teeth. Afterwards I could only eat soft food and was told not to do anything strenuous. I had a lot of yarn laying around in baskets that needed to be put away so instead of knitting I organized my knitting.
In the process I discovered I had a lot of yarn. I keep giving away boxes of it but I still have a lot. I have enough yarn to knit 3 or 4 pairs of socks, unending shawls and scarfs and numerous sheep, Alan dart patterns and loads of knitted toys and animals. I have numerous projects set aside with the pattern and yarn ready to go and somewhere along the line I've misplaced some of my needles but I think they are just in with those UFOs in the other closet.
In the end all of the yarn went into large tubs grouped together by
sock yarns
fuzzy and decorative yarns
dk weights
heavy and bulky weights
It's amazing to me that I have an entire tub just for sock yarn. Lot's of it is the leftover remnants of socks previously knitted but I still can't get rid of it. It might turn into baby socks.
Now all of the tubs are in the utility room, ready but out of sight. The current projects are in the picnic basket hanging out in my bedroom closet, close at hand and at the ready.
In the process I discovered I had a lot of yarn. I keep giving away boxes of it but I still have a lot. I have enough yarn to knit 3 or 4 pairs of socks, unending shawls and scarfs and numerous sheep, Alan dart patterns and loads of knitted toys and animals. I have numerous projects set aside with the pattern and yarn ready to go and somewhere along the line I've misplaced some of my needles but I think they are just in with those UFOs in the other closet.
In the end all of the yarn went into large tubs grouped together by
sock yarns
fuzzy and decorative yarns
dk weights
heavy and bulky weights
It's amazing to me that I have an entire tub just for sock yarn. Lot's of it is the leftover remnants of socks previously knitted but I still can't get rid of it. It might turn into baby socks.
Now all of the tubs are in the utility room, ready but out of sight. The current projects are in the picnic basket hanging out in my bedroom closet, close at hand and at the ready.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Timmy the sheep
At the same time I'm knitting on an eight hour baby blanket. I figure if I can do 18 rows (one repeat of the pattern) than the blanket will be done in a week. The Plymouth Encore worsted weight yarn feels nice and soft and knitting with 2 strands held together on size 13's also help in the speediness.
So many projects I want to knit on but one does have to balance them all out.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Artists show
I just learned last week that I'm going to be the featured artist for the summer at my local library. It's going to be all of my knitted mice, sheep and assorted characters in 3 large cases. I've been given lots of advice on how to display them (backrounds, flooring etc) so I'll have to get cracking on it.
I have a few more bags of animal body parts that need assembling so they can be in the show too.
I have a few more bags of animal body parts that need assembling so they can be in the show too.
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