I went to visit my mom for mother's day and took this table runner project home with me to work on for her. I took it totally apart and resewed it so all of the squares are now square and it fit's together. It's all pinned and ready for her to do some machine quilting then bind off. A good looking table runner.

This is a market bag made from a 'knitpicks' kit I got just recently. I love the organic yarn in natural shades of marshmallow, malted milk, toffee and ginger. This was a challenging pattern with a woven stitch for the bottom, top edgeing and handles. It makes a firm bottom that will stand up to a lot of use but is soft on the hands. The center, bag portion is in a lace, vine pattern that expands but isn't so holey that items will fall through. All in all it's a bag that looks good and will hopefully stand up for years of shopping enjoyment.

I started a new project today. Yes it's going to be a pair of socks for me. My sister got me a dyed sock blank which you 'unknit' as you knit it into a new item. The yarn stays crimpy as you knit but the instructions say it will soften and uncrimp at the first washing. I'm enjoying seeing the spots on the blank knit into stripes and blotches on the sock cuff. I'm doing this fine yarn on a size 0 needle using a k2p2 ribbing throughout. This will insure a good fit for the finished sock. No fancy patterns as the yarn is dark and I don't want to detract from it.