Had a fabulous time at craft camp this week. On Sunday my sister set up all the supplies and taught us how to dye yarn with '
easter egg dye kits' you get at a reduced price the day after the holiday. It was so fun but in the end it makes you appreciate all of the hard work the yarn dyers do for us. I'll think of this
everytime I buy beautifully dyed yarn at the local yarn store. The picture above shows me dying a cream skein with brown dye. It will then be wrapped up in the plastic, steamed for 30-45
mins, rinsed and hung out to dry.

The clothesline out back had all of our hand dyed yarn on display. Simply fabulous.

My mom had brought fabric for a quilt 2 years ago and one years ago I cut out the rectangles to get her her started. It needed some assistance getting it sewn but we did that on Saturday, a horribly rainy day, perfect for quilting and sewing. This shows my sisters 'mugs', from the '
MV Mug Museum' in action helping us prep the quilt.

And the finished quilt on display outside for its picture moment.

This is the baby sewing machine we are using. It only does straight stitch but it does it well. We've been knitting and stitching up a storm, here on vacation but there are a few days left so who knows what will get finished next. Oh yeah, the table runner got done this morning. Again, pictures to follow.