Started a brand new project using sari silk yarn. This is only part of what will become the front of a bag. I'm not fond of the sari yarn. It can be thick, then thin, then fuzzy and then bunchy. The colors are great but the yarn can be tricky to knit with. Once you have the pattern down it is just repeated with different starting numbers of stitches.
For this project you need one marker and I thought I'd use a new beaded one that I had received. It was beautiful with a hanging bead on it. After the first row was finished I switched back to my standard plumbing grommet that didn't catch in the yarn. The beaded ones are lovely but not for fuzzy projects.
At work during lunch I knit a few more rows on the witches skirt. I'm almost up to the decreases. She has a lot more parts to knit and a lot of them are all in black yarn. Her hat and cauldron and and her skirt waist.
I was looking ahead at possible craft classes to take at
www.celebrationofnw.com in Nashua NH but when I started looking at the prices that had just been posted I'm thinking twice and then again about taking a class at all. At this time I think the plan is to go just to the vendor mall and do some shopping for thread and fabric for patterns I already have and want to finish. I'll keep my eyes open for exciting projects but realistically I have enough projects in my foot locker to keep me busy knitting and stitching for a long time.
Just received the new book "Kitty Knits" from my local library and have already selected some cat toys to knit for the gang here. I know they have enough toys but those are "old" ones. I need some new ones to play with them. There might be some kitty friends who need something new also.