Worked on the ships sails tonite. Lots of sail work and oceans to still put in.
Here is the catnip mouse from the book "Kitty Knits." It came out sort of big. You can see it is just finished being stuffed.
Here is the catnip mouse from a "Knitwits" pattern. Smaller and it has a cuter shape for the ears and face. The favorite of cats who live here.
Here are my two kitty helpers who came right away when I started filling the mice with the catnip. Sailor is on the left. He came and just sat on the ironing board supervising and looking regal, just waiting to be given a new toy. Magpie on the right came up and tried to grab the little mouse right from my hands. She lay in the pile of catnip dust on the desk and then kept putting her face into the tub of catnip. She wasn't satisfied until she had a mouse to cuddle. They are both posing with large mouse.